As I mentioned we have been dogsitting for the past few weeks and it has been keeping us both amused and giving us a break from thinking about our renovation and new kitchen......(If you are not into dogs then please look away now.)
Lucy came first and had an adventure or two before Zoe joined us a week or so later. (Both dogs belong to our friends with the beautiful boat who are currently in Vanuatu after cruising around the Yasawa Islands in Fiji - and given some of our recent weather I wouldn't mind being there myself....)
Lucy came with her own bed.....
Within the first couple of days Lucy decided that maybe there was a wider world out there. She came with a reputation of an escape artist - and didn't disappoint! We came home from an appointment to find a hole pushed through a loose (ish) paling and our neighbour upset because she hadn't been able to either catch her or lure her back into our yard. Where she had gone to from there was a mystery to us all.......
In a bit of a panic (and fearing that our reputation of suitable dog-sitters was now in tatters) we phoned vets, the pound, council rangers and whoever else we could think of, as well as driving the streets looking for her. (Her own vet knew her well!) We decided against panicking the owners immediately thinking that she would (hopefully) find her way back when she was hungry. (She doesn't have an off button where food is concerned...)
No response until we were eating our dinner around 7:15 when the phone rang. A very nice woman told us that she had found Lucy that morning (shortly after we had actually left home), and, thinking it was one of her neighbour's dogs, took Lucy into her yard and home where she had a lovely day playing with other Staffies and snacking - quite well. When she discovered that Lucy didn't belong there she phoned the number on the tag. The call was diverted to the owner's satellite phone and they told our new neighbour where she Lucy should be - 50 metres down the street. So much for worrying them too soon, though our neighbor said 'They didn't seem surprised.' (We will all laugh about it over dinner when they return - but it wasn't very funny at the time.......)
Our old dog basket was put out for Zoe - who did sleep in it briefly until Lucy decided she liked it better.....a snug fit you'll probably agree....... |
After hearing a very loud 'crunch', this is what I found. (One on the other side as well....) |
Lucy also apparently has a reputation for chewing cane furniture. She knew immediately she had done something wrong, and was contrite - at least for 10 minutes or so - but it seemed better to just put the basket away. (As you will see, Zoe has no need for it.....)
Getting to know the local area.... |
Winter sun - bliss! |
The princess - quite at home thanks very much.... |
Lucy's next adventure involved this new permanent resident.
She has for the most part ignored our chooks however just as I was about to go out last Saturday morning I heard frantic squawking and rushed outside to see feathers all over the yard and this hen in Lucy's mouth. It appeared the new hen had jumped over the fence - despite having her wings clipped - and it was just way too interesting for Lucy to ignore.
Fortunately she dropped it when instructed and I rushed the hen inside. It seemed like there wasn't too much damage - Lucy mainly had a mouthful of feathers - and after a few quiet days the hen is now happily dustbathing in the patch near our new quince tree.......
Kitchen assistants - hoping something will be dropped. |
Lucy lines up everymorning when the porridge is being cooked ( a small, watery portion is reserved for her) and mealtime is another circus. As soon as the bowls are picked up the two dogs leap and prance about the kitchen 'shouting' at me to hurry up.....(For the most part, this is Zoe's most active time of day - though she has been for some of our walks and seems to enjoy them.)
I don't think she noticed this being put on her..... |
Or this |
Not sure which end is which???? |
Seems like that is pretty comfortable....... |
Lucy is clearly feeling very comfortable here. The last few nights she has been caught out sleeping on my chair after I've gone upstairs but guiltily slinks away when I turn the light on. She's also been sprung on our bed when we've gone out and I've forgotten to close our bedroom door......
Yesterday, we were the ones caught out - we woke to find Lucy had crept upstairs and was happily sleeping on a pillow on the floor beside our bed. Neither of us had heard her come in!!!
We have them for about another week or so until our builder springs into action as our plans have now been approved!Lucy with open gates doesn't bear thinking about.........
Back soon (ish) with tales from the South Pacific and pictures......lots of pictures....
Sue xxxx