Sunday 16 June 2013

Tiles - Part 1

If you ever felt lacking in inspiration for applique or tile quilt designs then take a few moments to immerse yourself in the designs in these tiles.

 Scroll through first to get an overall impression then zoom in where it takes your fancy. In the detail you will find there is so much potential to develop designs for quilt  borders and traditional (and probably familiar) designs perfectly adaptable for applique, reverse applique or tile quilts - in any scale. You may also start to notice the links to other applied arts in the region (suzani, carpets and ceramics for starters) and patterns that have inspired designers for centuries through the exchanges of ideas along the "Silk Road' and which have continued to be developed right through to today. (This style of decoration dates back to at least the 14th century.)

I make no apology for the number of photos in the post. As in the market post these pictures are as much for me as they are to share with anyone interested in joining me.

Here we go .........



How many quilts or quilting designs did you see there?

Sue xxxx

(I will post pictures of more geometric designs sometime soon.)


  1. Congratulations on your
    fantastic photos Sue, you've done a brilliant job!!
    I'll come back for lots more looks...
    Thank you for posting them.

    1. Thanks, I was pretty sure you'd enjoy them. They literally took my breath away at times - I'm sure you understand why. They are truly beautiful and I feel fortunate to have seen them close up. Happy to share them xxxx
